Starfall™ Books
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We invite you to download and print these books.* However, if you buy the complete book set from Starfall, you can save printing costs and give your child the pride of owning real books. Learn about our low-cost special offer.

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Or visit our online Learn to Read activities with Starfall.

Learn to Read Books (pdf)

"I’m Reading!" Set 1 (pdf)

Folk Tales Chapter Book, 96 Pages (pdf)

Cut-Up Take-Home Books

2nd and 3rd Grade Books

* Individuals may reproduce these books for noncommercial use in their classroom or home. Any other reproduction is prohibited without written permission from the publisher.

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The Starfall Parent-Teacher Center™ is a program service of Starfall Education Foundation, a publicly supported nonprofit organization, 501(c)(3). Starfall® and® are registered trademarks in the U.S., the European Union, and various other countries. Copyright © 2002–2024 by Starfall Education. All rights reserved.

We permit materials from the Starfall Parent-Teacher Center™ to be reproduced by teachers or parents for noncommercial use in their classroom or home. Any other reproduction is prohibited without written permission from the publisher.