What renewable energy source has the lowest eroi

Behind the Numbers on Energy Return on Investment

A full listing of the sources and references behind the calculations in this EROI infographic

When I proposed an article to Scientific American on energy return-on-investment, also known as EROI, I didn't realize how much legwork would be involved in gathering the numbers needed for an infographic to accompany the story.

On the surface, the measurement of EROI seems simple. It is just the energy output divided by the energy input. (For gasoline, for example, the output would be the energy in a gallon of gasoline, and the input would be all the energy required to make the gasoline—including oil exploration, drilling and refining.)

Despite the simple equation for EROI, however, there is a lot of complexity under the hood. One issue is that there is a range of EROIs in the literature for each energy source. In part this is because various researchers use different methods for calculating the number. The differences often reflect disagreements about how energy intensive various steps are in the process. To get numbers that I thought were reasonable, I consulted dozens of studies to get a sense of the range of EROI figures for each energy source, then figured out which ones seemed middle-of-the-road as well as computed in a way consistent with all the other EROI figures that I used.

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Also, there's no single accepted way of calculating EROI, because it depends in part on what you count as an input. Two of the main types of EROI that researchers calculate are also known as the “net energy ratio” and the “external energy ratio.” For sources such as tar sands, there can be a large difference between these two measures because some methods of getting tar sands out of the ground derive a lot of the energy required for the processes from the tar sands themselves (see the paper cited by Adam Brandt below). The “net energy ratio” counts all inputs—whether diesel fuel for a truck or the tar sands themselves. The external energy ratio, on the other hand, only counts the energy that society puts in, and doesn't count what comes from the resource itself. This means the external energy ratio is always higher than the net energy ratio. Whenever possible, I used the external energy ratio because it is most relevant to the question of how much energy we get out, for the energy we put in. (For calculating greenhouse gas emissions, on the other hand, you would want to consider all energy inputs, and the total emissions from them.)

For biofuels, the EROI reported is usually the external energy ratio, and it doesn't include energy derived from, say, burning the stalks of sugarcane to help power the process of refining sugarcane juice into ethanol. So studies of biofuels will sometimes cite the “fossil energy ratio,” which is similar to the “external energy ratio.”

The external energy ratio number was not available for every energy source. For example, with conventional oil only the net energy ratio was available. The difference between these two types of EROIs, however, would likely be relatively small for conventional oil (personal communication, Charles Hall).

There are uncertainties in any EROI estimate, in part because energy companies usually don't report detailed information on their energy consumption. To calculate the energy input, researchers have to make an estimate based on the dollars spent on various processes and goods—such as the cost of steel to line an oil well. To keep the infographic as simple as possible, we did not attempt to show error bars or ranges on the estimates, and generally rounded them off to a single digit. This was meant to reflect the uncertainty in any single estimate as well as the fact that there is not a single, precise EROI for any energy source.

To get EROI figures that I thought were representative, I reviewed as many studies as I could find on each energy source, going over at least several dozen studies. Then I chose a recent EROI estimate for each energy source that appeared typical or average, and appeared to be calculated in a way roughly comparable with the estimates for other energy sources. Here are the studies from which I chose to draw for the EROI values:

For sources of electricity, I used EROI values that are for electricity produced by a particular source, rather than the EROI for the production of the raw fuel that can be used to make electricity. So in the case of coal, for example, the EROI for the coal itself would be roughly three times higher than the EROI for electricity from coal (because the typical efficiency of a coal-fired power plant is around 33 percent).

For the graph “Oil's Advantage Drops,” which shows EROIs over time, the data was from papers cited above. Conventional oil: Guilford et al., 2011. California heavy oil: Brandt, 2011. Soybean biodiesel: Pradhan et al., 2011.

The numbers in the graphic “Mileage Return on Investment,” are based (for all the liquid fuels) on a fairly simple equation from unpublished work by Carey King of the University of Texas at Austin. Multiplying the EROI by the car's mileage (in miles per gallon), then divided by the energy density of the fuel (in gigajoules per gallon) gives the miles you can travel, for one gigajoule of input into making the fuels. I used an average mileage of 30 miles per gallon for new gasoline cars and 33 miles per gallon for diesel cars based on EPA fuel economy estimates. (Note that King's calculations used somewhat different EROI values than I did, so the numbers for “mileage return on investment” differ somewhat from his results.)

For electric cars, I also used EPA estimates of the miles they can go per kilowatt-hour of electricity input, multiplied by the EROI for average U.S. electricity—a weighted average of all the sources of electricity in the U.S., based on EIA statistics for electricity generation. This estimate for electric cars does not include the energy required to manufacture the cars and their batteries—nor does the estimate for conventional cars include the energy required to make them. There is a good reason to think that electric cars require more energy to create, because the battery production process does require some additional energy to build. Life cycle analyses, however, such as Notter et al., “Contribution of Li-Ion Batteries to the Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles,” Environmental Science & Technology, (2010), estimate that part of the energy required to make the battery is offset because electric cars have a simpler drive train, which requires less energy to build. Overall, the energy required to make an electric car is around 20 percent greater than that needed to make a conventional car, Notter et al. estimated. I hope that researchers will publish results of more comprehensive estimates for “mileage return on investment,” or some similar measure for transportation services that factors in the EROI of different energy sources.

The author thanks Charles Hall, Adam Brandt, Carey King, David Murphy, Matthew Heun and Michael Dale for interviews, checking calculations and offering information. Any errors remain the responsibility of the author.