Chemistry: The Science in Context, 4th Edition (online access included).

This chemistry textbook offers a visual orientation, a color art program, and a consistent four-step approach to problem solving. Each chapter offers a progression of simple to more advanced exercises that build on each other: worked examples; practice exercises; problems based on visuals, such as a molecular view of a sample or a graph of experimental data; and qualitative concept reviews paired with quantitative problems. Other learning features include descriptive chemistry boxes, application boxes, and margin terms, as well as chapter-ending content and problem-solving summaries. The publisher's website offers 100 animations demonstrating complex processes; many are interactive. An online tutorial and homework management system is also available. For this fourth edition, the design has been expanded, with color chemical representations, detailed illustrations of chemical components, complex process diagrams, color photos, and color charts. This edition also contains additional exercises, plus a new type of sample exercise integrating concepts across chapters.

([c] Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR)

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