Identify pipeline concept and mobilize partners.
Optional Concept Note for UNDP Projects:
Required Concept Note for Green Climate Fund (GCF) Projects:
Required Concept Note for Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Projects:
Identify new pipeline concepts by analysing gaps in the programme’s theory of change that are not already being addressed.
Funding and collaborating partners and potential stakeholders must be identified and consulted as early as feasible, ensuring a wide range of partners (international financial institutions, civil society, private sector, etc.)
A concept note may be helpful to articulate ideas for particularly complex projects or to obtain early support from partners. The proposed content can include: output(s) and linkage to CP outcome(s); approach, method and capacity development strategies; stakeholder analysis; potential implementing partner; potential main financing partner(s); and indicative funding requirements.
Create a new pipeline linked to the programme and Strategic Plan in the corporate planning system. If a new programme output will be needed to respond to the development need, make a note to discuss in the next Programme Steering Committee meeting.
System action points:
Create a project proposal in the corporate planning system, generating a project number with one or more linked outputs; link the proposal to the programme tree (country programme document output).
*If the project is part of a portfolio, it will share the project number with other projects in the portfolio. A project budget is reflected in one or more output IDs. An output ID can only reflect the budget from one project with one implementing partner.
*If a decision is taken not to continue with the proposal, record this decision in the corporate planning system to close the proposal.
For Environmental and Climate Vertical Fund Projects (those supported by the GEF, GCF, Adaptation Fund and other vertical funds), conduct an initial screening and assessment to determine if the conditions and criteria for accepting government requests for programming are met.