How to Quickly Add Rows and Columns to a Table in Microsoft Word

629648 How to Quickly Add Rows and Columns to a <a href=Table in Microsoft Word" width="1024" height="682" />

Adding rows and columns to an existing table in Word can be done in several quick and easy ways. Here are the main methods:

Use the Tab Key to Add Rows

Pro Tip: Select multiple existing rows in your table before pressing Tab to add the same number of rows you selected. For example, select 3 rows then press Tab to instantly add 3 new rows.

Use the Ribbon Menu to Add Rows or Columns

Pro Tip: First select multiple rows or columns before using the ribbon menu to insert the same number you selected.

Use the Context Menu to Add or Remove

Pro Tip: Select multiple rows or columns first before right-clicking to insert or delete that same number.

Other Ways to Add or Subtract

Pro Tip: Use keyboard shortcuts like Alt+I+R/L to insert columns or Alt+I+A/B to add rows without the mouse.

Formatting and Styling Tables

Once you have the rows and columns needed, formatting the overall style and appearance of your table is easy:

Use Built-In Table Styles

Modify an Existing Style

Add Borders and Shading

Adjust Row Height and Column Width

Change Text Alignment

Split and Merge Cells

Repeat Header Row on Each Page

For long tables spanning multiple pages, you can repeat the header row at the top of each new page to make reading easier:

The header row will now be duplicated on every page of the table printout.

Converting Existing Text to Table

Already have text formatted with tabs or commas between values? Convert it to a table:

The text will be neatly formatted into a table structure.

Insert a Microsoft Excel Table

Create detailed tables in Excel, then copy and paste them into Word while retaining all formatting. Use links to keep data connected between both programs so that changes made to the Excel table can update within the Word document.

Those are the essentials of adding and removing table rows and columns quickly in Word documents. With a little practice you’ll be able to insert and format complex tables for reports, presentations, invoices, and much more.

About The Author

Vegadocs Staff

Vegadocs Staff is comprised with experts in Microsoft Word and Google Docs. With years of experience, their articles offer practical tips for enhanced productivity in digital documentation.